Heritage Garden is located on Republic Avenue adjoining Heritage Trail and School Lake. It was started in 2006 on Township-owned land left vacant after the demolition of the Lutheran Church parsonage. Originally called The Churchyard, the garden gradually expanded to include space occupied by the Bice and Johnson homes and was renamed Heritage Garden. The Garden was planted and is still maintained by a small group of volunteers. Although affiliated with the Republic Area Historical Society from early on, it is financially independent, supported through contributions, coffee service at the summer Farmers Markets at Munson Park, and memorial plantings. Memorials may be arranged through Sr. Margey Schmelzle (906) 376-8475 or Olga Williams (906) 376-3129. No gardening experience is necessary for volunteers to help weed, rake, water, and trim. and we welcome such help on Wednesday mornings, usually from 9 – noon. We also welcome visitors. Heritage Garden is maintained for the pleasure of the public.